Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Debi Kiontke Shows Her Immaturity

Debi Kiontke being her true self by making fun of posters that provided true facts.

Both of the people Debi Kiontke is making fun of seem to have been deleted from the CT board and their posts have been removed.

Debi Kiontke seems troubled whenever someone provides truth backed with fact at the CT board.

Debi Kiontke your true colors are shining through. You cannot hide behind that little miss perfect Christian girl mask forever.

Debi Kiontkes post:

Hi Pling88, LOL, I thought the same thing. I deleted Mr. Ho and a new member named Polish_girl signed up and took up where he left off. She had to go make some pierogies and won't be back (at least not as Polish_girl).




Anonymous said...

LMAO. Debi Kiontke. She is such a hoot. She is uses her Christianity mask to hide who she really is. A stuck up know it all brat.

Anonymous said...

Debi Kiontke and her pals hate how they are always proven so wrong about CMKX.

Anonymous said...

What is so disturbing about this is that Debi Kiontke promotes herslef as a wonderful Christian lass. It is a shame that her hurtful actions will drive away more Christians.

Debi Kiontke you need to finally grow up.

Anonymous said...

Debi is an airhead.

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