Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Debi Kiontke

Debi Kiontke (wwjdthrume) claims there is a short in CMKX.

See her post:

Hi Netgear, I think it's debatable but I say yes. Otherwise the cert pull would not have been requested and paid for.

The number of shares faxed in by the shareholders in the OG group made it mathmatically impossible for there to not be a naked short in CMKX.

You can see it is open to debate.

I think that given the record of JEFF who had an Ooops! of 111 Billion shares, the NevWest money laundering 253 Million shares (and they felt singled out by the SEC when so many others were doing the same thing), and the way that many Pink sheet stocks were cellar boxed at .0001, I have no doubt at all CMKX was naked shorted.

Add to that the general way that penny stocks can be legally sold naked short by market makers using their legitimate exemption and the way that many of them use that exemption to excuse their fraud and you can see the number of naked short shares add up.

Add to the mix the brokers who lied, stonewalled, and mislead their clients as they requested their CMKX certs. The cert pull should have been over in 6 weeks and yet there are still shareholders waiting for their certificates.

Settlement is not enforced in any real way even with listed stocks. Otherwise regulation SHO would not have stocks listed on it for 365 days in a row. Also there would have been no need to grandfather in the crimes that pre-existed if naked shorting was rare.

Just some of the many reasons that tip the scale in favor of a proven short in CMKX.



Debi Kiontke will you please provide some documentation to back up your claims within the above post of yours. Prove this short in CMKX you are promoting.

If not then it must be a false claim put out by you Debi Kiontke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kiontke will only try to play this blog off as it is shorty. She is so blind to the true facts.

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