Friday, January 12, 2007

Debi Kiontke Is Delusional

Debi Kiontke is now claiming that the United States Fed and it's group of bankers are going to orchestrate a terrorist attack.

Debi Kiontke you wrote " Now my comments. Apparently I don't think much of the Fed and it's group of bankers who have managed to control most of the world's wealth and power. I believe that they will orchestrate the terrorist attacks themselves, and then usher in a one world type currency that is mentioned in the Bible. This group seems demonic in it's reach, grasp and vision."

Debi you now seem to have gone completely mad.

Debi Kiontke if you hate so much what goes on in the United States you should consider leaving.

Go off to some third world country and live and work with the people there without using any money that you have sourced from the United States.

Debi Kiontke you seem to enjoy biting the hand that feeds you. Your just like a little spoiled child.

Link to Debi Kiontkes delusion:


Anonymous said...

Debi Kiontke is delusional.

Anonymous said...

Debi Kiontke. What is her issue?

Anonymous said...

Great site. Keep the posts coming.

Anonymous said...

Debi Kiontke and her followers have entered into a CMKX thought zone that cannot be reversed. They are lost and will never be found so don't even bother looking.

Anonymous said...

That cow is at it again.

Anonymous said...

Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke where do you get off on such remarks?

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