Friday, February 16, 2007

Debi Kiontke. Shines Again.

Debi Kiontke. Do you really believe half the things you write?

What we don't understand is why you are not trying to help and understand the poster in that page. Instead you act harshly towards them.

You go around with the nic wwjdthrume so we want to know just what Jesus is doing through you Debi Kiontke. Is Jesus telling you to behave in such a harsh manner? We don't think so. We think you’re letting the flesh control you.

Debi Kiontke we are curious and would like to know what is driving you to behave this way?

We are here to help.



Anonymous said...

Where is that Debi Kiontke ?

Anonymous said...

Who is Debi Kiontke ?

Anonymous said...

Is Debi Kiontke a porn star?

Anonymous said...

Debi Kiontke should be president and CEO of CMKX.

Anonymous said...

Debi Kiontke should be just that. President and CEO of CMKX.

Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke, Debi Kiontke,
Debi Kiontke

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