Saturday, April 28, 2007

$8,400 For Debi Kiontke or James Brewer

Come on Debi you can do it. You can be the first person who has irrefutable evidence of an actual payout, or irrefutable evidence of a sting that Urban Casavant is involved in (NOT an investigation that he is one of the subjects of).

Don't let James beat you to it ! !

What is the Faulking Truth worth?

What began as an impromptu $1,000 challenge to the Gurus and their followers who have been busy promising a payout and swift justice via a multi-year sting operation emanating from within CMKM Diamonds has grown to a list of six generous contributors who, after years of predictions and promises, want to see the evidence that the talk is more than just talk.

The two latest contributors are cruisecontrol, who is putting up $800 of his own money, and braindamage, who is adding a thousand to the challenge, bringing our total to a tempting $8,400.

Here’s the challenge: “We will pay $8,400 to the first person who has irrefutable evidence of an actual payout, or irrefutable evidence of a sting that Urban Casavant is involved in (NOT an investigation that he is one of the subjects of). Send me irrefutable evidence at and the money is yours.”

Heck, I’ve been trying to get an interview with Urban for months to tell his side of the story, maybe he’ll contact me and lay the real plan out on the table for me. I’d love that, and it would put an end to all the speculation once and for all.
Saturday , April 28, 2007 17:58


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Debi Kiontke cannot do it. Sad.

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