Sunday, May 6, 2007

What Is Debi Kiontke Afraid Of ? ?

We posted a simple response over on the CT board and all of a sudden Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume comes in and deleted our post and our account at CT.

Other mods and admins over at CT had no issue with us and left us alone. Even James Brewer aka noahltl let us post.

Then boom !! Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume logged in and deletes our account.

Why are you so afraid of us Debi Kiontke.

Is it because we are asking you to post some fact that will back up your belief about CMKX ? ?

We don't feel that would be hard for you to do if you really believe everything you post about Urban and CMKX.

Here is our post:


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Registered: 5/5/07
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posted on 5/6/07 at 09:40

VNGNTN1 will you please explain yourself further ? ?

Look at all the fact and proof at and please post your counter fact there that will disprove anything that is posted at

If you can do it we want to see you post some fact backed with some documentation.

What we don't understand is why you or some of the other guru's here at CT have not taken DeWayne or Mark up on thier challenge.

So come on over to and show us what you got

We look forward to it VNGNTN1.

Hopefully the admin/mods here will not delete our account, but, instead will show some maturity and will challenge the fact posted over at

Then Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume does this: (Changes made by Debi Kiontke aka wwjdthrume have been bold faced)


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Registered: 10/22/04
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posted on 5/6/07 at 12:02

Look at all the fact and proof at http://cmkxtruthandbaloney. yadayada and please post your counter fact there that will disprove anything that is posted at http://cmkxbaloney with psychosis. yada yada

If you can do it we want to see you post some fact backed with some documentation.

What we don't understand is why you or some of the other guru's here at CT have not taken DeWayne or Mark up on thier challenge.

So come to the bash Debi and Noah board and write responses that are interesting so people will visit my pathetic board[/url] and show us what you got

We look forward to it VNGNTN1.

Hopefully the admin/mods here will not delete our account, but, instead will show some maturity and will challenge the fact posted over at our pathetic blog site?[/url]

Francine, what on earth makes you think I owe you any answer?

Hi Van - I edited this to take out Francine (or whatever he or she is calling themselves this week's blog site. I don't think we need to advertise the baloney he/or she is peddling. Maturity recognizes that denying some people the microphone is the appropriate response. - IMO - Debi

Debi Kiontke you are showing your true self hun. Keep it up. We are enjoying it.

Check it out here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As sad as it is. Debi Kiontke is showing her true self. How sad for her.

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