Thursday, May 10, 2007

James Brewer Helps Spread CMKX Gossip

James you sure are behaving like a Christian by posting misleading and speculative things about CMKX.

We hope you are proud of yourself James by posting things like this that will only bring peoples spirits down when once again they realize it is all just false gossip.

Your a sad man ! !

Here is part of the post:

1. the cert pull makes you bonafide "counterfeit"...which means big bucks in your pocket... the FED has to pay you...that's the over 10$ figure and WANTA pays it cause the FED doesn't have it until all the brokers pay up...thats the 4.5 trillion..... there is no reason to not pay us cause the cash is there. Shorty is the hold up cause he doesn't want to have to pay WANTA big interest per day.... so the SEC/Bush are stalling giving shorty a break.... bottom line the FEDS have to pay all "bonafide counterfeit" holders.

Click here to see the rest of post.

Seriously James you need to re-think if you should go around saying your a Christian man.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

What Is Debi Kiontke Afraid Of ? ?

We posted a simple response over on the CT board and all of a sudden Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume comes in and deleted our post and our account at CT.

Other mods and admins over at CT had no issue with us and left us alone. Even James Brewer aka noahltl let us post.

Then boom !! Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume logged in and deletes our account.

Why are you so afraid of us Debi Kiontke.

Is it because we are asking you to post some fact that will back up your belief about CMKX ? ?

We don't feel that would be hard for you to do if you really believe everything you post about Urban and CMKX.

Here is our post:


Posts: 1
Registered: 5/5/07
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posted on 5/6/07 at 09:40

VNGNTN1 will you please explain yourself further ? ?

Look at all the fact and proof at and please post your counter fact there that will disprove anything that is posted at

If you can do it we want to see you post some fact backed with some documentation.

What we don't understand is why you or some of the other guru's here at CT have not taken DeWayne or Mark up on thier challenge.

So come on over to and show us what you got

We look forward to it VNGNTN1.

Hopefully the admin/mods here will not delete our account, but, instead will show some maturity and will challenge the fact posted over at

Then Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume does this: (Changes made by Debi Kiontke aka wwjdthrume have been bold faced)


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posted on 5/6/07 at 12:02

Look at all the fact and proof at http://cmkxtruthandbaloney. yadayada and please post your counter fact there that will disprove anything that is posted at http://cmkxbaloney with psychosis. yada yada

If you can do it we want to see you post some fact backed with some documentation.

What we don't understand is why you or some of the other guru's here at CT have not taken DeWayne or Mark up on thier challenge.

So come to the bash Debi and Noah board and write responses that are interesting so people will visit my pathetic board[/url] and show us what you got

We look forward to it VNGNTN1.

Hopefully the admin/mods here will not delete our account, but, instead will show some maturity and will challenge the fact posted over at our pathetic blog site?[/url]

Francine, what on earth makes you think I owe you any answer?

Hi Van - I edited this to take out Francine (or whatever he or she is calling themselves this week's blog site. I don't think we need to advertise the baloney he/or she is peddling. Maturity recognizes that denying some people the microphone is the appropriate response. - IMO - Debi

Debi Kiontke you are showing your true self hun. Keep it up. We are enjoying it.

Check it out here:

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Urban Casavant the Worst Canadian?

Who do you think is the Worst Canadian?

Who have been the most wretched, the most appalling, the most villainous men or women?

Who has had the most malign influence?

Who should have been sent to bed without dessert?

Cast your vote here:

Debi Kiontke it is time to cast your vote.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Debi Kiontke Shut Down By Mark Faulk

Debi Kiontke gets told just how it is live on the radio. Good job Mark as you once again shut her down ! !

Funny listen as Debi stumbles over and over and shows again how she has no clue what is going on with CMKX.

Thanks for the laughs Debi. Keep them coming. We love it ! !


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Fantastic Stuff Here

May 02, 2007 08:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time

CMKM Diamonds, Inc. Files Lawsuit and Wins Restraining Order Against Former Insiders
TYLER, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--As mentioned in the previous press release of 4-20-07, CMKM Diamonds, Inc. has recently received several boxes of corporate records revealing evidence not previously known to new management. CEO Kevin West states, “In response to this new information, I have asked Bill Frizzell to file suit in Nevada against some former Company insiders in an effort to attach some assets that I believe belong to the Company. Our investigation suggests that there may be legal action in the future against additional parties.”

The Company filed the lawsuit and a request for a Temporary Restraining Order in Nevada state court on Wednesday, 4-25-07. The restraining order was granted on Monday, 4-30-07. The lawsuit and all attachments can now be viewed on the corporate website at

Mr. West addresses all CMKM shareholders: “I cannot adequately express the gratitude I have towards the entire CMKM community for their resolve and support of our collective search for the truth. Our best chance of restoring value to the shareholders, as well as achieving some measure of justice, is represented by our current legal action. CMKM is fortunate to have such a significant shareholder base with a large number of passionate and resourceful individuals supporting our course of action. We are confident and optimistic that our goals are realistic and obtainable.”

Shareholders have been inquiring how the Company can expect to maintain operations and fund legal efforts given the present shortage of assets and an outstanding share count of over 703 billion shares. These are legitimate questions. In response, at this time we present an overview of the Company’s present objectives (with more details to be outlined in future communications).

The near-term focus of management will be to take action in pursuit of the following goals:

Find lost/misappropriated Company funds, and return them to the Company;
Locate those who have wronged the shareholders, recover assets from them, and if appropriate, their insurers;
Thoroughly evaluate all pending contracts and current legal obligations to expedite the Company’s return to trading.
In the first of two CEO updates on 4/18/07, Mr. West mentioned an ongoing investigation by attorney Bill Frizzell “into the sale of bulk certs.” To this subject, Mr. West now adds, “We have evidence of the attempt by at least one specific large brokerage firm to purchase for itself, rather than simply transfer, such certificates. However, we will have an expert examining several suspect transactions.”

All attorneys hired by CMKM Diamonds, Inc. have been instructed to respond only to the Company and the Frizzell Law Firm. Responding directly to shareholder inquiries does not presently represent the productive use of their time. Please support these directions given to the Company attorneys by not making any attempts to contact them.

The Company intends to keep shareholders informed through the corporate website as events occur.

Safe Harbor Statement:

This news release contains certain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27a of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21e of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Although the Company believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can provide no assurance that actual results will meet or exceed such expectations.

Link to article

Oh oh Debi Kiontke ! !

Debi Kiontke Lies Again

We have never cyberstalked anyone or spammed anything. You need to get over yourself hun and your childish fantasies. Debi when will you stop lying ? ?

Now we cannot speak for others that do promote us, but, we will say this.

Please keep up the great work in exposing Debi Kiontke and her delusions.

Here is her very immature post:


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posted on 5/2/07 at 10:50

I ignore this person. To respond brings attention to their pathetic blog. This one used to cyberstalk me all over and spam 'CMKX news' so he/she would get traffic to their site. They were banned from most boards.



Bye the way Debi you do not ignore us you choose not to respond as you know you have no fact to back up your delusional CMKX ideals.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Debi Kiontke. Legal Troubles...

for Urban seem to keep piling up and you just keep on supporting him.

Are you that blind Kiontke ? ? James Brewer are you that blind to ? ?

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