Friday, January 26, 2007

Andrew Hill Pumped CMKX ?

You decide.

Friscotrader provides these samples.

Andy Hill now posts over at the Million Millionaires board under the nic Oaks. Feel free to go chat with him there. Link:

By: friscotrader
01 Apr 2006, 10:31 AM EST
Msg. 182261 of 182274

"A Trip down memory lane with Andy"

per our telephone call yesterday, I am currently doing a "backread" on all his posts.........

Let's begin with the pumps

Sept 29th

GOOD MORNING CMKX'rs....JUST A WORD OF THANKS TO EVERY SHAREHOLDER WHO PHONES, emails, or messages, daily to show their continued support, toward myself, UC, Maheu, Stocklein, and TEAM. News can come at any time from any relative source, including CMKX

Set 30th

Andy "Hello CMKX'rs...In addition to the many message boards and chats out there, I welcome the 49'rs board. STay positive and have a great Friday. A brand new trading month begins on Monday"

Andy sent this posted by tramp


Wesley Casavant is listed as a employee of CVN on Edgar but I don't if it is an officer.
I find this very interesting.
Urban's neice is working for SGGM as well.

“Here is a link to the most recent race comments by Urban.
bots wont let me post it
Bo snerdley is the one who talked with him.
Looks like it was in April of this year.

Oct 3rd Hello CMKX'r...Welcome to October. IGNORE the NEGATIVE sentiment no matter what! TRUST the TEAM. The TEAM will SPEAK asap between now and Oct. 20. Keep "eachother POSITIVE!"

Oct 4th

"Hello CMKX'rs. I spoke with UC yesterday very briefly before he caught another flight (he did not say where). UC gives a big THUMBS UP and THANKS to all shareholders staying positive and ignoring the bashing FOOLS."

Oct 5th

"Hello CMKX'rs. Have any of you considered why Mr. Maheu is being paid the disclosed amount per month and what Mr. Maheu needed it for re the TEAM and ADVISORY? Enjoy your day!"

Andy Confirms NSS in Conversation

Oct 6th

Andy Conversation – A little bit about his background.

Andy Convesration with jbl712 by swordfish168

(Andy briefly touches on the SEC brief and keeping the Radar on.)

Link where swordfish168 found the post

bots wont let me post it

Oct 6th

“Hello CMKX’rs. Be aware…The bashing and negativity will become prolific in the next while. Do not get drawn into it. CMKX management gets to speak next so please have your radar on between now and Oct.20th.”

Also, There are two additional post within this thread concerning conversations w/ Andy.

Short conversation with Andy about message boards and negativity and legal team keeping cmkx quiet.

Oct 7th

“Hello CMKX’rs. Dust off your radar and keep it on between now and Oct 20th Do not fall prey to negativity and bashing. Mr.C and Mr.M will speak to all shareholders asap and thank you for your strength and support. Enjoy your day.”

Questions from shareholders & Answers from Andy to consolidated questions via Yahoo! IM
(2nd page of same thread from above)

Oct 10th

“Hello CMKX’rs…Happy Thanksgiving Monday from Canada. Due to popular demand, I am manning the phones and other communication services today. Keep that radar on between now and the 20th. Have a good day.”

“Hello CMKX’rs... It has been stated previously, to be wary of people who post as good people who may in fact be bad people later. Ignore the negative and TRUST the TEAM. Keep the radar on from now to Oct.20th.”

Oct 11th

Conversation w/ Andy.
Answers question concerning 600Billion shares among other things.

Follow-up with Andy concerning 600Billion share Question from earlier in the day.

“Good Evening CMKX’rs. Once and for all…I do not post on any of the boards(other than Okanagan
on RB very occasionally) I don’t have Paltalk downloaded. Out of a 50 hr week..only a couple are reading
shareholder boards. But, I hear everything. “

Oct. 13th

"Good morning CMKX'rs...Great investment opportunities come around when excellent companies are surrounded by unusual circumstances that cause the stock to be misappraised...Warren Buffet"

“Hello CMKX’rs…How many of you have Entourage Mining (ETGMF) on your radar as one of our associated JV partners? Remember, people do things, But they do them through companies to protect the people. DD the people and connect the dots. TRUST THE TEAM.”

“Hello CMKX’rs…Everyday presents the opportunity for greatness, so make today great for you.(Original quote
by your IR guy and his personal motto) Continue to watch your radar as you continue to connect people to people.Good nite.”

Oct 15th

“Hello CMKX’rs… Thanks for all the AWESOME Birthday greetings!!! Yesterday’s volume and PPS close was great to see. Continue watching that RADAR for blips, bleeps and blops…as you stay on the hill and watch the EVENT

markethingychinvestor: Hello Birthday boy!

markethingychinvestor: Anglo American / Lundin / Debeers?

Andrew Hill: That will keep you all thinking over the weekend..

Andrew Hill: C ya my friend..i got to scoot.

markethingychinvestor: lol

markethingychinvestor: take care

“Hello CMKX’rs…Weekend thought to consider. When thinking about Event Horizons, also ponder what happens
when critical mass is achieved during an EVENT. Enjoy your day…I am out for the balance of the day. Ciao.”

Oct 16th (late night)

"Hello CMKX'rs. DREAMS... it stands for "Develop Resources with Energy and Ambition for Monetary Security". It is a whole new week of possibilities on the radar from UC and TEAM, including our JV partners. Have a great Monday."

Oct 17th

“Hello CMKX’rs…Interesting that I have had 2 new stock profiling services contact me today, interested in CMKX. Appears the radar blips are getting the attention of many in the market place. Enjoy your day.”

Oct 18th

“Hello CMKX’rs…Do you really think Mr. Casavant spent the last 20 yrs. of his life, forging relationships and building a vision and dream to share with tens of thousand of shareholders…for it all to go to nothing?? Watch the radar…Trust UC’s team.”

“Hello CMKX’rs…As I pointed out previously news can come out at anytime from any of our JV partners or CMKX directly. Please read the United Carina PR released this afternoon regarding the CAROLYN CLAIMS. Trust the TEAM.”

Oct 19th

“Hello CMKX’rs..When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long upon the closed door, we don’t see the ones which open before us. (Alexander G. Bell)…Trust the Team!”

“Hello CMKX’r,,, Carolyn ran away from home last, but Urban always knew where she was. Yesterday she came home to stay and she is just about the prettiest thing you have ever laid eyes on and Urban is the happiest he has been in a long time. Enjoy the day.”

Oct 20th

“Hello CMKX’rs…Please read today’s PR from Entourage Mining (ETGMF) very carefully as there is alot to absorb
relative to CMKM Diamonds. Thank you and enjoy your day. I will be unable to respond to IM’s for the next while.”

"Hello CMKX'rs...Today's PR from ETGMF was very key to other information which will be disclosed relevant to CMKX in due course. The appeal brief will be submitted today as required. TRUST the TEAM...!! NO IM's please..too busy!"

“Hello CMKX’rs…Think of today’s PR as a brilliant Casavant Maneuver with more Maneuvers to come over the
days and weeks ahead. Look at the BIGGER PICTURE and understand it is ultimately ALL FOR THE SHAREHOLDERS.”

markethingychinvestor: Tell Urban I said he finally got his promotion to warden

markethingychinvestor: he has al the keys

Andrew Hill: lol many do not realize the VERY strategic maneuvering in play right now by UC and his TEAM and our JV's. UC even referred to it today as the first CASAVANT MANEUVER and more maneuvers to come.

Andrew Hill:

Andrew Hill: it is all good.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

CMKX Proboards 81 Morons

The CMKX million millionaires board is, without a doubt, the board with the most moronic gang of CMKX shareholders.

The leaders of the gang go by the nics Ralph and KFL. It is funny to watch these two morons back each other up like 2nd grader playground bullies. KFL couldn't wipe the drool off his chin if Ralph wasn't there helping him.

The owner (main moronic geek) of the board goes by the nic CMKXTREME and no doubt gets a real stiffy knowing he has control over what is posted. Bet he has no control over anything in his real life. His Mom may still be folding his underwear and tucking him into bed.

Another poster going by the nic Granny2Shoes must be the board mother that goes around changing all the moronic posters diapers. Bet Ralph needs his changed at least 5 times a day as his mouth can only spew so much poo.

So if you want a real good laugh head on over to:

Friday, January 12, 2007

Debi Kiontke Is Delusional

Debi Kiontke is now claiming that the United States Fed and it's group of bankers are going to orchestrate a terrorist attack.

Debi Kiontke you wrote " Now my comments. Apparently I don't think much of the Fed and it's group of bankers who have managed to control most of the world's wealth and power. I believe that they will orchestrate the terrorist attacks themselves, and then usher in a one world type currency that is mentioned in the Bible. This group seems demonic in it's reach, grasp and vision."

Debi you now seem to have gone completely mad.

Debi Kiontke if you hate so much what goes on in the United States you should consider leaving.

Go off to some third world country and live and work with the people there without using any money that you have sourced from the United States.

Debi Kiontke you seem to enjoy biting the hand that feeds you. Your just like a little spoiled child.

Link to Debi Kiontkes delusion:

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Debi Kiontke Look. A New Lawsuit against CMKM Diamonds

Debi Kiontke please share your thoughts on this and provide a fact based defense to help Urban out.


Thanks to link:

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

CMKX Shareholder Pics? You Decide.







Thursday, January 4, 2007

James Brewer aka Noahltl And Rumor Posts

Good gosh Charlie Brown. Debi Kiontke holding that football for you.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Debi Kiontke The Lonely Poster

Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume no one is being nasty at board 32. Just because they post fact there gives you no right to call them names. Are you not a Christian?

Why on earth are you still posting at the old CT board? Do you look there for some old fantasy CMKX drivel?
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