Sunday, January 14, 2007

CMKX Proboards 81 Morons

The CMKX million millionaires board is, without a doubt, the board with the most moronic gang of CMKX shareholders.

The leaders of the gang go by the nics Ralph and KFL. It is funny to watch these two morons back each other up like 2nd grader playground bullies. KFL couldn't wipe the drool off his chin if Ralph wasn't there helping him.

The owner (main moronic geek) of the board goes by the nic CMKXTREME and no doubt gets a real stiffy knowing he has control over what is posted. Bet he has no control over anything in his real life. His Mom may still be folding his underwear and tucking him into bed.

Another poster going by the nic Granny2Shoes must be the board mother that goes around changing all the moronic posters diapers. Bet Ralph needs his changed at least 5 times a day as his mouth can only spew so much poo.

So if you want a real good laugh head on over to:


Anonymous said...

This is awesome !! Keep it coming.

Chrisl said...

How childish. Your blog demonstrates not only your ignorance but total lack of any socially redeeming qualities.

from your better, Chrisl

TruthIsJustice said...


As with so many other UC sheep, like them, you are completely brain washed.

Good luck with the rest of your pathetic life.

Chrisl said...


You gleaned all that about me and you don't even know my stance on the issue. You must be clairvoyant LOL.

You just proved my first statement and more. For a child your not to bright are you.

from your better, Chrisl

TruthIsJustice said...


We don't need to know what side of the issue you stand on nor do we give a rats ass.

We all know what you want. You, like the other Urban sheep, want to make a return off your piss poor investment.

However it has all been sucked away and poof it is gone.

Good luck with the rest of your pathetic life little child, but, do please keep the funnies coming as we are finding you very amusing.

Anonymous said...

LOL Thats funny TIJ

Of course I want to make a return off my investment. What are you stupid. We will see what happens. It's not over yet. One way or another we should find out in the coming weeks at least.

I'll be honest if it's a loss it won't be the first time I lost a few hundos on a penny play. I have however more than made up for it elsewhere. Last year was quite good to me. Such is the game.

For me this is on the back burner and I check whats going on every once in a while. What strikes me as humorous is what kind of pathetic loser would waste his time making a moronic blog such as this one. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad I found it. It's worth a visit from time to time to have a good laugh at you. Really you should try to get out more and enjoy yourself instead of wasting your time with such sucky pursuits. You have to admit it's kind of lame.

Later loser. Hope you get a life someday.

from your better, Chrisl

TruthIsJustice said...


Please keep your ultra humorous, but sad posts coming as it is giving us all a good look into what a typical human has become.

First. Let us be honest with you. We don't give a rat’s ass if you lost money before due to your piss poor investment skills or if you had what you claim to be a good year in 06.

Second. Let us convey something to you chrisl. The more you post here the more it shows you have an overwhelming need to defend yourself.

Why chrisl? Why do you have to defend yourself so feverishly?

Here is a fact chrisl. You poured money into the CMKX hype in a hopes to better your sad life and that gives us an understanding into why you need to defend yourself so strongly.

The reason you defend yourself so strongly is because you need to believe the lies you tell yourself. Lies like you do well in investing and lies like you are happy with where your life has taken you.

When in fact chrisl you hate yourself and the majority of decisions you have made in your life, but you refuse to listen to the part of your mind that could help you out of your despair. You would rather just listen to the lies that you tell yourself. The more you listen and believe the lies you tell yourself the more those lies become truth to you.

So in conclusion the more you come here and post the way you do the more it shows us that you are just a sad little orphan that is full of hurt and hatred towards himself and who is desperately seeking to become a somebody.

Keep in mind we could delete your posts chrisl, but you make an excellent subject for study. So please keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

Thats very funny TIJ

I see it's all about what you give a rat's ass about. If you didn't give a rat's ass then why would you have this lame blog and encourage futher posts?

I haven't feverishly defended anything. Just stopped by to laugh at you and see what kind of peeps would partake in such crap. Or should I say person. Looks to be just you around here. Talk about sad and lonely.

So again I say. later loser. Hope you get a life some day.

from your better, Chrisl

TruthIsJustice said...


We want to, once again, thank you for feeling the need to come here and defend yourself. You defend why you come here. You defend you investment actions. You defend your lifestyle.

You are now our favorite human failure to study and make it easy for all involved to understand why society is failing as a whole.

Take comfort, chrisl, in knowing you are just one of the reasons society is failing and that you are not alone.

There are millions more out there chrisl. All just like you. Lost in their lies. All trying to convince themselves their lies are truth.

Keep in mind we could delete your posts chrisl, but you make an excellent subject for study. So please keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

Is this Whazzups blog?

This is gluggo posting.
Since I did not have a google account

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