Saturday, June 16, 2007

CMKM Diamonds Inc. CEO Update

CEO Updates
To all CMKM shareholders:

Our local counsel in Las Vegas, David Koch, attended the scheduled hearing this past Monday at the Nevada District Courthouse. Judge Denton granted our request for Preliminary Injunction as to Urban Casavant and the other parties that have previously been served. The Court granted the injunction as to Urban Casavant based on testimony produced in court showing that Mr. Casavant had received sufficient notice of the proceedings, but had failed to respond.

The order that was filed on 6-08-07 is now available on the Company website. As soon as the new order is filed and received from the court, it will also be made available on the Company website.

Be sure to remember to express to your Dad just how much he means to you on this Father’s Day weekend. And to you fathers out there; “I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich”. ~M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter

Thank you for your continued support,

Kevin West
CEO & Chairman


Oh where is Urban Casavant ? ? Urban Casavant where are you ? ? Urban Casavant ? ?


Anonymous said...

Hopefully Kevin West will somehow find Urban Casavant.

Anonymous said...

Urban is running like a coward.

Anonymous said...

Someone should get Tramp to chase after Urban.

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