Sunday, June 10, 2007

Debi Kiontke Turning On Her Old Allies ? ?

You decide as part of her post is below.


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Re: How Many Trainwrecks???
« Reply #5 on Today at 8:23am »

I didn't hear Friday's show thankfully. I haven't listened to it either.

I'm not sure I want to.

One thing is clear to me. Mark does not appear to be on the same side as the long CMKX shareholder. He seems too cozy with those who have consistently bashed Urban and the shareholder base. These same people have consistently pushed the 'realistic' view of a settlement/payout of .005 - .05 on the naked short. What's LOL funny is that is so typical of the bad boys of Wall Street - they set a criminal or unethical play in motion and sit back and count their cash as it rolls. Then they chide the company's management for diluting the stock (on their 'equity loans') and trash the shareholders who complain about Naked shorting or the death spiral financing. F4D came out recently and posted on his board that the only board he would recommend visiting is the 66 board (I was sent a screen shot of the post). It made it appear clear to me where his heart has been all along. He claims to be tight with the current company management (alleging his 'chirps' are defcon 4-5 with a wink or a whistle).

If you want to read the rest of her ramblings then follow this link.


Anonymous said...

Debi is at it again. Good job Kiontke.

Anonymous said...

Another example of Debi being a two face!

Anonymous said...

Hah hah. Kiointe. Silly little thing.

Does her husband, that happens to be a pastor, know she behaves in such a childish manner.

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