Friday, December 29, 2006

Urban Casavant An Attorney Has Been Acquired

File the Interpleader


This board has acquired an attorney from Las Vegas, Nevada. We will not release his name unless we get enough pledges to cover his fee ($50,000). The reason we are not releasing his name at this time is because he does not need a bunch of people harrassing and hounding him while he's working. This attorney is more than capable of handling this simple interplead. Once we know we have enough PLEDGES for support, each individual will be contacted via email and given the attorney's information for YOU TO SEND YOUR MONEY TO HIM. No monies will be sent to any member of the Unplugged board. At this time, we are asking for PLEDGES ONLY. AT THIS TIME, NO MONEY NEEDS TO BE SENT; ONLY YOUR PLEDGE FOR SUPPORT. A pledge is a simple statement such as "I pledge xxxx amount of dollars towards this effort". Those that pledge will be contacted via email with all the info. We are not looking for you to throw good money after bad. We simply need to know if we can raise enough money.

You will be contractual to the attorney only. We will file the Interpleader on behalf of the company CMKM Diamonds. The attorney has told us that this can be done. Do not let anybody sway your thinking on this. It is done all the time.

The attorney will file this in 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. We must beat the statute of limitations coming up in February 2007. This attorney will also file suit against CMKM Diamonds, all its CEO's and directors for the past 4 years. We will file suit using what the SEC proved for us at the hearing in 2005, and also "fraud on the market".

Email and offer your pledge of support. We will be doing a mass email in the next couple of days.


Protect your investment. This is your money!


Debi Kiontke and your bunch. It may be a good thing for you all to go make a pledge.


Anonymous said...

Truthisjustice, you are an IDIOT. You are telling frustrated shareholders that this supposed attorney you know could do the job. Sure, trust anyone to do what has never been done before... go grab a Vegas Justice of the Peace while you're at.. they do half-cocked marriages all day long.. have one of them file it.. You have no patience. Just sell your shares and get it over with.

Anonymous said...

You guys are loose cannons.... It's simply amazing what steps some people will take due to the lack of patience and ignorance.... The company never promised any of us a rose garden. Suck it up or leave and take your toys home... Geez...

Anonymous said...

You people are absolutely nuts! If you think you are going to sue anyone, with the DOJ heavily involved, you are crazy! A federal Judge will laugh at you and throw you and the case out of a courtroom. Furthermore...IF you cause trouble for the good, patient, loyal shareholders, there is going to be more trouble than any of you can handle! Wise up! In other words; Sit down, shut up, be patient!

Anonymous said...

You will never get anywhere with this lawsuit. Why waste your money. The case will be thrown out of court immediately.

Anonymous said...

It never ceases to amaze me how blind some folks can be. Never have we had this level of communication and the promise of same in the past. People I consider friends have taken a path that will end with nothing. Go ahead with your sillyness. This is way bigger than you. I am so willing to wait to see what the company will tell me every 30 days. I have an open line with our CEO. Life is good. Oh by the way, if you aint happy, sell your damn stock and leave. I'm pretty sure you wont be missed.

Tommy Bishop
I'm in the book

TruthIsJustice said...

Wonderful !! A lot of worked up people.

It goes to show, by the amount of wanna be legal advisors that posted real lame legal knowledge, that hiring this attorney to take on CMKX is gonna shake things up.

Excellent !!

Anonymous said...

Sue Urbie and the boys, for sure. But you have your head firmly up your ass about the interpleader.

Jimmy B said...

I have to wonder what kind of an attorney would take yet more money away from these poor shareholders... probably another slime-bag like Frizzell.

There is no investment to protect. Your investment is gone. At best, you might see Casavant and some of the others who directly ran this scam punished. Unfortunately, the rest of the aid-and-abet crew, the Kiontke's, the Brewer's, the Faulk's, and the Reeve's of the world, will walk away.

At best, you can keep their names prominently linked to CMKM Diamonds and, hopefully, they won't be effective in the next swindle that comes along.

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