Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Debi Kiontke or James Brewer

So many idiots that swore CMKX and Urban Casavant could do no wrong are changing their minds as all the new documentation surfaces.

So when are you two going to finally pull of your blinders and come clean about just how mistaken you both were ? ?

We don't want to hear any excuses that you both did what you thought was right with the information you each had in hand as there was always real factual based information available for you to read, which sometimes you did just to dispute it.

Time for you both to come clean we would think.


Anonymous said...

So are you a Cyber Stalker or a common drunk?

TruthIsJustice said...

Is that you Debi Kiontke?

If it is you, you really need to get off this cyber stalker stuff as it is getting old. Now if you really need to feel that is what is going on and it makes you feel important then by all means continue on with that fantasy in your own time.

Right now, though it will be hard for you to do, you need answer some of the questions posted.

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