Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's Gary Kiontke

Gary Kiontke. That's him.

He is the pastor of the First Congregational Church in Clinton, MA. According to this site he can be reached at (978) 365-4648

You can read some of Gary Kiontke's ramblings here

Now it would seem Gary Kiontke is married to no other than the famous Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume.

If that's true then we really want to know something Gary Kiontke.

Let us first quote a passage from the Bible Mr. Kiontke.

Ephesians 5:22-24 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Since you are a Christian man, a pastor, the head of the house and should be living your life by the teachings in the Bible then why do you allow your wife to run around doing what she is doing in the picture below ? ?

Monday, October 29, 2007

Pumper Moron Or Just Plain Crazy. You Decide.

Robert Hollenegg. That's him below.

Here is the start of Roberts post...


Make a dull day exciting!

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CMKX: Take Stock In The American Dream.
« Thread Started on Today at 7:41am »

Take stock in the American Dream.

CMKX is more than just an investment in a Pink Stock Company. It is an investment in the opportunity to be part of the American Dream.

If you can stomach reading the rest of his mindless drivel then here is the whole post

Robert we want to know what your idea of the American dream is, because, so far we have not seen how the company you speak of has allowed anyone to live the real American dream.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Is Urban Involved ? ?

A little old, but, we don't care.

Clinton, Massachusetts - Olde Home Day

Exhibitors & entertainment

Name Company/Organization Product Space

Debi Kiontke Arriba Paraiba Jewelry Jewelry C06


So what is that Debi ? ? Some MLM scheme ? ?

You finally going to make some money ? ?

Thanks for the giggles ! !

Monday, September 24, 2007

Who Let The Inbreds Out ? ?

This is what happens when breeding between close relatives is allowed.

You get inbreds running around posting absolute garbage.

Here is the post.


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« Thread Started on Yesterday at 12:32pm »


This started with ACCA "suggesting" watch "CORNERSTONE"
A poster said look at logo of Company a "KEY"
Orange is the "C"
Rotate 90deg ccw and see the "M"
Rotate back 90deg and see the "K"
Rotate back 90deg and see the "M"
Rotate back 90deg & see the diamond
Several of interesting connections
PHELPS DODGE is JV partners with Cornerstone in Canadian Copper
PHELPS DODGE hold 32+m CMKM stock in retirement plan ( a sensitive fund for risk"
CORNERSTONE & CM300 were formed very very close together in 1997
- - - - - -
Following the symbolism of the logo it appears to suggest this

Link to post.

We wonder if vngntn1 made it past grade 2.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Roger Stelma aka Accadacca Update

It would seem that Roger Stelma had or still has a job selling fireworks at Michigan Fireworks.

We suggest that all the Accadacca followers give their false prophet a call at 616-291-0028 and order up some fireworks so they can be ready to celebrate when the DHL truck arrives.

So Roger when is that big CMKX payment coming ? ? You told all your followers it was coming. You told them more than once. So Roger Stelma where is it ? ?

Here is the link to Michigan Fireworks.

Here is a little bit of what you will find there.

How do you like our products? Do you have any questions or comments? Our business depends on your satisfaction, so please let us know what you think.

Just click this address to send us mail:

Or you can reach us at our mailing address:

Michigan Fireworks: 4983 Bluff NE Grand Rapids, Mi. 49525

Or you can give us a call at 616/291-0028

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Just a Little Diddy About A James Brewer

This is a little diddy about a James and Pam Brewer. Two American adults in the heart land.

Gonna let it rock, let it roll. Let the bible belt, come and save your souls.

Follow this link or this link for a glimpse into that life.

Props go out to RedCurls for supplying that link.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Roger Stelma aka Accadacca Exposed

One of the biggest CMKX pumping liars ever, Roger Stelma aka Accadacca, is being exposed.

Credit goes out to HndtoHnd for sharing the info. We thank you HndtoHnd.

Read all about Roger Stelma aka Accadacca by following the links.

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

CMKX Diamonds Update. Any Comments Urban Casavant, Debi Kiontke or James Brewer.

Have they finally tracked some of Urban Casavants spending ? ?

Link to latest CMKM Diamonds Inc. document that reveals part of the possible money trail.

Urban Casavant would you like to take this opportunity to address the CMKX shareholders ? ?

Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume or James Brewer aka Noahltl would you like to hear Urban Casavant address the shareholders now ? ?

Tramp ? ? Tuscansun ? ? Accadacca ? ? Jay Adobe ? ? BHollenegg ? ? INES ? ? or any other crazy CMKX pumping Urban Casavant worshipper care to comment.

CMKX Poster Named Tramp Spreads Lies

Tramp. Your lies are catching up to you.

You're a drunk moron Tramp and one thing we are wondering about is this.

Do your lies get better as you drink ? ?

Want to read the morons post then follow this link.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Debi Kiontke (WWJDthrume) The Magician.

Debi Kiontke are you some kind of freak magician ? ? Because we think only someone with magical powers would know what you wrote in the following post.


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Re: Who is really calling the shots here?
« Reply #22 on Today at 6:44am »


I think the continued delay with news and/or payment for the CMKX shareholders is a group effort involving multiple government agencies including the SEC, the FED, the DOJ, the FBI and the IRS. I think many criminals will go down as a result of the efforts made and the shareholders will be taken care of.


Debi. Did your crystal ball tell you that ? ?

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The CMKX 1 Million Millionaires

If you like sheep and are into cults we suggest you visit the 1 Million Millionaires CMKX message board.

It is run by this guy. David Miller aka CMKXTREME. His wife, Cecilia, is there beside him. We think that is sweet. Now be a good boy Mr. Miller and try to behave yourself.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Be warned. If you want to post at that board, that is if they even let you in, you better have a very closed mind to reality because if you post any real fact there you will likely get banned. The mods and admins there hate real fact.

We wonder about something Dave. Do you raise your children in such a communist manner ? ? Do you treat your wife like a Muslim woman ? ? Restricting all of her thoughts and ideas ? ?

Hitler would be proud of you Dave.


Saturday, June 23, 2007

Debi Kiontke Parading Her Naked Shorts Ass

This image was sent to us and we have been informed it is Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume at some protest in NY.

What we want to know is what kind of sick perverted person parades around in public with an ass hanging out for all to see ? ?

Debi Kiontke would you care to comment ? ?

Friday, June 22, 2007

Are Christians Morons Or...

just the ones that invested some money into CMKX and began to fantasize.

The post below may just prove it.


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Pursuit of Happyness..Kevin West in credits??
« Thread Started on Today at 12:19pm »

I may have posted this before on the Christian trader board about this movie but today another shareholder posted this link:

If you havent seen the movie, you really need to!
When I sat down with my daughter to watch this I felt the Lord said to me before I did, that "this movie is very timely for you"
It wasnt audible but it was a very clear impression..

As I watched I cried through most of was just a very inspiring movie..About realizing impossible dreams and persistence..and basicaly faith. The character in the movie gains his wealth through the stock market strangely enough..
but at the end of the movie when the credits listed a character i didnt simply said:

"Worlds Greatest Dad" - Kevin West

That made me scratch my head because to my recollection there was no one by that reference mentioned in the least i didnt see it! As I read that, I felt it looked like a Maheu maneuver as he is so connected to Hollywood and this movie is all about a person who had nothing, getting everything by persisting in his dream and through becoming a stock broker..."dont let anyone steal your dream "as he tells his son in a dramatic moment in the movie!

Well today another shareholder must have picked up on this and posted the above link ... we can only wonder,,with Maheu, it is just very possible..



It seems the desperation runs thick in Jo's mind as it would seem that Mr. Maheu is his real God.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Debi Kiontke (WWJDthrume) Has It Figured Out.

Here is her post.

Note: We had a hard time reading it through tears due to our uncontrolable laughter.


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Re: Confused
« Reply #2 on Today at 6:39am »

Confusion on this scale is an art.

If Urban was a con artist who absconded with our money, we would not be confused. This could easily be communicated with full disclosure and we could grasp that simple concept.

Instead we have endless accusations against Urban, endless court cases that never resolve much, infrequent company communications that shed little light on anything, an SEC who appears to be making progress, but who still has not been there for the small investor.

Here is what I'm clear on:

CMKX had 1.9 million acres of claims and a tightly held share structure from the very beginning. 85% of the shares were held by insiders within the 14C owners group. Urban owned approximately 6.8% of the shares and there were a few other CMKI shareholders who owned shares. Urban's shares were locked up for three years. The 14C group's shares were restricted. They also had an antidilutive (and not disclosed up front) clause that kept their ownership percentage the same regardless of how many shares were added to the authorized. Altogether only about 5% of the company stock was available for sale to the retail investor. Obviously more than that was sold.

We know that the brokers, market makers, some banks, hedge funds, and individual investors sold CMKX shares that were either short (and against their restricted stock), or non-existent (air shares aka counterfeit aka naked short). The number of shares zoomed into the trillions and if the value of the claims approached what could be minimally expected in that area the stage was set for a market meltdown of Great Depression magnitude.

We've seen the SEC cover up the crimes of the guilty time after time with the grandfather clause, duplicity, staged trials, and double speak. We've also seen a revolving door of exits from the SEC of highly placed officers, and multiple queries by Congress about their antics.

We saw the top position at the Federal Reserve be replaced. The DTCC has changed it's position on naked shorting (as has the SEC).

We had IBM and Roger Glenn involved in helping our company. We had a cert pull. We've heard little about the results.

Obviously a lot of time has passed giving the various parties involved time to take care of their responsibilities wiithout upsetting the general market.

IF our resources are valuable then we can expect that they will be mined and we will have to be paid for their use. We need to be compensated for our pain and suffering - being kept in the dark about our investment and not having access to it's value for the last three years.

I fully expect a settlement at some point. Going forward even without a settlement, I would expect a merger or buyout, dividends and some communication.

My opinion is that far more occurred than has ever been revealed or will be revealed to the public. Hopefully we will have enough transparency to disclose whether or not the 14C group managed to abscond with the bulk of the company's value leaving the 85% retail investors with a return from 5% of the company's assets. I suspect that much of what has taken so long is an attempt by that group to hold onto the stock they shorted against and the value that it holds. There are multiple possibilities within that scenario and too little time to discuss it fully.

Bottom line from my perspective is:

Payday is getting closer every second.

IMO and just IMO - Debi


Well Debi Kiontke (WWJDthrume) the thread title "Confused" sure does fits your post.

What we want to know Debi is when are you finally going to back up your posts with some solid fact ? ?

Saturday, June 16, 2007

CMKM Diamonds Inc. CEO Update

CEO Updates
To all CMKM shareholders:

Our local counsel in Las Vegas, David Koch, attended the scheduled hearing this past Monday at the Nevada District Courthouse. Judge Denton granted our request for Preliminary Injunction as to Urban Casavant and the other parties that have previously been served. The Court granted the injunction as to Urban Casavant based on testimony produced in court showing that Mr. Casavant had received sufficient notice of the proceedings, but had failed to respond.

The order that was filed on 6-08-07 is now available on the Company website. As soon as the new order is filed and received from the court, it will also be made available on the Company website.

Be sure to remember to express to your Dad just how much he means to you on this Father’s Day weekend. And to you fathers out there; “I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich”. ~M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter

Thank you for your continued support,

Kevin West
CEO & Chairman


Oh where is Urban Casavant ? ? Urban Casavant where are you ? ? Urban Casavant ? ?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Debi Kiontke Turning On Her Old Allies ? ?

You decide as part of her post is below.


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Re: How Many Trainwrecks???
« Reply #5 on Today at 8:23am »

I didn't hear Friday's show thankfully. I haven't listened to it either.

I'm not sure I want to.

One thing is clear to me. Mark does not appear to be on the same side as the long CMKX shareholder. He seems too cozy with those who have consistently bashed Urban and the shareholder base. These same people have consistently pushed the 'realistic' view of a settlement/payout of .005 - .05 on the naked short. What's LOL funny is that is so typical of the bad boys of Wall Street - they set a criminal or unethical play in motion and sit back and count their cash as it rolls. Then they chide the company's management for diluting the stock (on their 'equity loans') and trash the shareholders who complain about Naked shorting or the death spiral financing. F4D came out recently and posted on his board that the only board he would recommend visiting is the 66 board (I was sent a screen shot of the post). It made it appear clear to me where his heart has been all along. He claims to be tight with the current company management (alleging his 'chirps' are defcon 4-5 with a wink or a whistle).

If you want to read the rest of her ramblings then follow this link.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Paltalkers Get Owned Live On The Radio

Some CMKX sheep from paltalk get owned on live radio. They just refuse to listen to fact.

Stuff like this is truly priceless ! !


Monday, June 4, 2007

Debi Kiontke Calls Mark Faulk A Liar

Boy oh boy Debi Kiontke aka wwjdthrume. You sure seem to be pushing it.


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Re: The Faulking Truth Book
« Reply #19 on Jun 2, 2007, 7:29pm »


Mark doesn't always tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth on the air. After more than a year of doing shows with him I still had to ask him if he knew the truth would he write it? He claims he would. I'm still not sure he would. I still have no clue why he came out of the gate with a negative Point of view - and then set about to prove it.



Christian Extremists Preparing For Battle

Why on earth would a group of Christians make battle preparations ? ?

Are they going to start some kind of war or something worse ? ?

Christian behaviour ? ? You decide.


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« Thread Started on Today at 4:10pm »

Members can:
1-Identify friends who are "Professionals" in
2-Get those friends to be "unofficial advisor's here"
...2a-Professionals are very must beholding to the system and do not allow themselves to offer "Free" advise or to subject licenses to insured failures. (There are a few-DO WE KNOW THEM)
3-Be sure all relevant documents are in a safe place
...3a-Computer data
...3b-Trading data
- - - -
More to come
- - - -


Debi Kiontke do you support such harsh wording at a site you post at ? ?

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Debi Kiontke's Warriors

The following post made by a poster called VNGNTN1 made us laugh harder than the letter Noahltl wrote to Mark Faulk. Our reply follows.


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posted on 6/2/07 at 15:52

POLLYSAYS(Francine) whoever

You are agressively targeting people with opinions.
Your activity is an opinion.
Any fool can create a blog called "Truth & Justice"
And use it to spout lies & slander.
May the Lord rebuke you !
- - - - -
Go ahead and spin this one, post it everywhere. I hope you sure of your postion( not just CMKX) because judgement is sure and not something I would want to be part of.
I have withstood the deriding of my opinion for 7 years, been threatened several times & had computer hacked more than once.
I am not going anywhere or changing my opinions based on your lowclass blogsite. I will also put my reputation against yours anyday, And since I know those you slander personally. I will actively oppose your efforts anywhere I can.
I hope this satisfys your request on the blog for elaborating !


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posted on 6/2/07 at 22:28

The only one lying is you and the biggest part of the lie is the lies you keep telling yourself.

Put your so called reputation on the line and dispute the fact posted at the CMKX Truth And Justice website.

We would love to see you or the three others you garner you respect from disprove the fact.

You cannot and will not as you will soon realize just how many lies you have been telling yourself.

One more thing sport that confuses us.

If you are so sure of yourself then why do you and your small gang of extremist Christians keep deleting our posts that offer you an avenue to prove us wrong.

So come on over for a visit


Hurry though as they do enjoy deleting our posts over at that board. Seems that fact scares them.

Friday, June 1, 2007

CMKX Sheep And Debi Kiontke

Just in case you missed this today.

CEO Updates
To all CMKM shareholders:

On behalf of the Company, I attended the scheduled hearing with our attorneys on Wednesday morning at the Nevada District Courthouse in Las Vegas. Once again, there were not any defendants or attorneys for the defendants present. In order to allow more time for some of the defendants to be served, the Temporary Restraining Order was extended along with continued rights of full discovery. A motion for the preliminary injunction will be heard in Judge Denton’s court on Monday, June 11th. Attorney for CMKM, David Koch, will be present for this motion without the need for Bill Frizzell or myself to be there.

Based on the results of the subpoenas that we have sent out over the last few weeks, and depending on the advice of our attorneys, we may be adding a new party or parties to an amended TRO.

I appreciate the shareholders that attended the courthouse to show their support. Some questions were asked by shareholders that cannot be answered at this time due to litigation matters.

I will continue to keep you up to date on events as they unfold. Have a wonderful weekend with family and friends.

Thank you for your continued support,

Kevin West
CEO & Chairman


So Debi Kiontke can you tell us please where Urban Casavant is and why he did not turn up to assure all CMKX shareholders things are okay ? ?

James Brewer vs. Mark Faulk

James we must say tears came to our eyes as we read your letter to Mark.

Those tears of course were caused by our uncontrollable laughter.

James letter to Mark:

Dear Mark

For months now, I have listened to your rantings on CFRN. What I find most sad, is that that spurious rhetoric represents Bill and Kevin, as well. You have almost single handedly taken a Christian Financial broadcast and turned it into a laughing stock. A program that was built primarily by pro CMKX shareholders. Today, your audience spoke out in Paltalk. And I'll tell ya, it wasn't very complimentary. But isn't division amongst the shareholders, your primary objective? That seems to be all that you have worked for. From aligning yourself with the riff raff at PB66 to financial takeover of CFRN, and the firing of Debi, your goals seem only to be, divide and conquer. Who are you working for???? If it was to accomplish that end, you have also failed miserably. What I heard today was the reunification of shareholders. Not for Pro CMKX reasons, but for anti- Mark Faulk reasons. If you hoped to educate us over the folly of CMKX as you have stated, that also failed. The folks I listened to in the rooms, were further strengthened in their belief of CMKX. The only disbelief that you fostered was in Mark Faulk, and by association, John Martin and Dwayne.

But what could be the point of such suicidal activity??? Is CFRN the sacrificial lamb that drives the price down for shorty's settlement? Was that required as part of some deal? Maybe if you actually brought us some valuable information instead of this worthless diatribe, you would get a following. I couldn't believe that you actually used a Christian Broadcasting Company to slander and malign our Belgian brothers by calling them "idiots" publically. You know, you may be able to prove them wrong, but come on Mark, can you prove in civil court that they are "idiots"? Do you even know the definition? I'm no defender of theirs, but I sure wouldn't be calling them idiots. You did negotiate your insurance coverage before taking on this assignment didn't you.??

While you may have entertained your followers at 66, you mostly
only further alienated the bulk of CMKX shareholders. At the rate you are going you should have completely collapsed the show by next Friday or so. Congrats buddy. I'm sure the TOGI shareholders will really appreciate that. You'd better bring in the big names of CMKX if you hope to maintain any interest at all. Maybe Bill or Kevin or Urban. No one is interested in what you have to say anymore. Well maybe ChrisL or Pedro. Keep them calling in every week. At least yours will be the only side of the story. Unlike when Debi was there.

I can't begin to tell you how much the Christians that helped build CFRN, for all the right reasons, appreciate the hatchet job you are doing on it. But I'll tell you, like I found out, the master of that radio station will have His say, someday.

Link to letter.

We do enjoy how close you feel to idiots James. Almost like you are one in the same.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

James Brewer Helps Spread CMKX Gossip

James you sure are behaving like a Christian by posting misleading and speculative things about CMKX.

We hope you are proud of yourself James by posting things like this that will only bring peoples spirits down when once again they realize it is all just false gossip.

Your a sad man ! !

Here is part of the post:

1. the cert pull makes you bonafide "counterfeit"...which means big bucks in your pocket... the FED has to pay you...that's the over 10$ figure and WANTA pays it cause the FED doesn't have it until all the brokers pay up...thats the 4.5 trillion..... there is no reason to not pay us cause the cash is there. Shorty is the hold up cause he doesn't want to have to pay WANTA big interest per day.... so the SEC/Bush are stalling giving shorty a break.... bottom line the FEDS have to pay all "bonafide counterfeit" holders.

Click here to see the rest of post.

Seriously James you need to re-think if you should go around saying your a Christian man.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

What Is Debi Kiontke Afraid Of ? ?

We posted a simple response over on the CT board and all of a sudden Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume comes in and deleted our post and our account at CT.

Other mods and admins over at CT had no issue with us and left us alone. Even James Brewer aka noahltl let us post.

Then boom !! Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume logged in and deletes our account.

Why are you so afraid of us Debi Kiontke.

Is it because we are asking you to post some fact that will back up your belief about CMKX ? ?

We don't feel that would be hard for you to do if you really believe everything you post about Urban and CMKX.

Here is our post:


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posted on 5/6/07 at 09:40

VNGNTN1 will you please explain yourself further ? ?

Look at all the fact and proof at and please post your counter fact there that will disprove anything that is posted at

If you can do it we want to see you post some fact backed with some documentation.

What we don't understand is why you or some of the other guru's here at CT have not taken DeWayne or Mark up on thier challenge.

So come on over to and show us what you got

We look forward to it VNGNTN1.

Hopefully the admin/mods here will not delete our account, but, instead will show some maturity and will challenge the fact posted over at

Then Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume does this: (Changes made by Debi Kiontke aka wwjdthrume have been bold faced)


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posted on 5/6/07 at 12:02

Look at all the fact and proof at http://cmkxtruthandbaloney. yadayada and please post your counter fact there that will disprove anything that is posted at http://cmkxbaloney with psychosis. yada yada

If you can do it we want to see you post some fact backed with some documentation.

What we don't understand is why you or some of the other guru's here at CT have not taken DeWayne or Mark up on thier challenge.

So come to the bash Debi and Noah board and write responses that are interesting so people will visit my pathetic board[/url] and show us what you got

We look forward to it VNGNTN1.

Hopefully the admin/mods here will not delete our account, but, instead will show some maturity and will challenge the fact posted over at our pathetic blog site?[/url]

Francine, what on earth makes you think I owe you any answer?

Hi Van - I edited this to take out Francine (or whatever he or she is calling themselves this week's blog site. I don't think we need to advertise the baloney he/or she is peddling. Maturity recognizes that denying some people the microphone is the appropriate response. - IMO - Debi

Debi Kiontke you are showing your true self hun. Keep it up. We are enjoying it.

Check it out here:

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Urban Casavant the Worst Canadian?

Who do you think is the Worst Canadian?

Who have been the most wretched, the most appalling, the most villainous men or women?

Who has had the most malign influence?

Who should have been sent to bed without dessert?

Cast your vote here:

Debi Kiontke it is time to cast your vote.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Debi Kiontke Shut Down By Mark Faulk

Debi Kiontke gets told just how it is live on the radio. Good job Mark as you once again shut her down ! !

Funny listen as Debi stumbles over and over and shows again how she has no clue what is going on with CMKX.

Thanks for the laughs Debi. Keep them coming. We love it ! !


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Fantastic Stuff Here

May 02, 2007 08:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time

CMKM Diamonds, Inc. Files Lawsuit and Wins Restraining Order Against Former Insiders
TYLER, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--As mentioned in the previous press release of 4-20-07, CMKM Diamonds, Inc. has recently received several boxes of corporate records revealing evidence not previously known to new management. CEO Kevin West states, “In response to this new information, I have asked Bill Frizzell to file suit in Nevada against some former Company insiders in an effort to attach some assets that I believe belong to the Company. Our investigation suggests that there may be legal action in the future against additional parties.”

The Company filed the lawsuit and a request for a Temporary Restraining Order in Nevada state court on Wednesday, 4-25-07. The restraining order was granted on Monday, 4-30-07. The lawsuit and all attachments can now be viewed on the corporate website at

Mr. West addresses all CMKM shareholders: “I cannot adequately express the gratitude I have towards the entire CMKM community for their resolve and support of our collective search for the truth. Our best chance of restoring value to the shareholders, as well as achieving some measure of justice, is represented by our current legal action. CMKM is fortunate to have such a significant shareholder base with a large number of passionate and resourceful individuals supporting our course of action. We are confident and optimistic that our goals are realistic and obtainable.”

Shareholders have been inquiring how the Company can expect to maintain operations and fund legal efforts given the present shortage of assets and an outstanding share count of over 703 billion shares. These are legitimate questions. In response, at this time we present an overview of the Company’s present objectives (with more details to be outlined in future communications).

The near-term focus of management will be to take action in pursuit of the following goals:

Find lost/misappropriated Company funds, and return them to the Company;
Locate those who have wronged the shareholders, recover assets from them, and if appropriate, their insurers;
Thoroughly evaluate all pending contracts and current legal obligations to expedite the Company’s return to trading.
In the first of two CEO updates on 4/18/07, Mr. West mentioned an ongoing investigation by attorney Bill Frizzell “into the sale of bulk certs.” To this subject, Mr. West now adds, “We have evidence of the attempt by at least one specific large brokerage firm to purchase for itself, rather than simply transfer, such certificates. However, we will have an expert examining several suspect transactions.”

All attorneys hired by CMKM Diamonds, Inc. have been instructed to respond only to the Company and the Frizzell Law Firm. Responding directly to shareholder inquiries does not presently represent the productive use of their time. Please support these directions given to the Company attorneys by not making any attempts to contact them.

The Company intends to keep shareholders informed through the corporate website as events occur.

Safe Harbor Statement:

This news release contains certain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27a of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21e of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Although the Company believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can provide no assurance that actual results will meet or exceed such expectations.

Link to article

Oh oh Debi Kiontke ! !

Debi Kiontke Lies Again

We have never cyberstalked anyone or spammed anything. You need to get over yourself hun and your childish fantasies. Debi when will you stop lying ? ?

Now we cannot speak for others that do promote us, but, we will say this.

Please keep up the great work in exposing Debi Kiontke and her delusions.

Here is her very immature post:


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posted on 5/2/07 at 10:50

I ignore this person. To respond brings attention to their pathetic blog. This one used to cyberstalk me all over and spam 'CMKX news' so he/she would get traffic to their site. They were banned from most boards.



Bye the way Debi you do not ignore us you choose not to respond as you know you have no fact to back up your delusional CMKX ideals.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Debi Kiontke. Legal Troubles...

for Urban seem to keep piling up and you just keep on supporting him.

Are you that blind Kiontke ? ? James Brewer are you that blind to ? ?


Monday, April 30, 2007

Canadian Man Swiped $200 Million

Canadian Man Swiped $200 Million In Penny Stock Scam, Investors Say

LAS VEGAS (CN) – Urban Casavant drained CMKM Diamonds Inc. of more than $200 million and spent it on gambling debts and real estate, including a $3.5 million home here, and funneling the rest into trusts and shell companies, CMKM claims in Clark County Court. Casavant, of Saskatoon, allegedly acquired more than 1 million acres of mineral claims in Saskatchewan and came to Las Vegas to promote them, promising to create “one million millionaires” by selling lots of 1 million shares of stock for $100. He said his land had diamonds, and claimed the company was about to be bought for $1.54 a share, the complaint states. While running this scam for more than two years, Casavant “dumped over 700 billion shares into the marketplace. This scheme was perpetrated by Casavant along with highly paid lawyers and insiders of the company, including defendants (Mike) Williams, (James) Kinney, (Ginger) Gutierrez and (Brian) Dvorak,” the suit states. Plaintiffs also sue Deshawn Wayne, P.A. Holdings and Bucko LLC. They seek disgorgement and punitive damages. They are represented by David Koch with Turner Green Afrasiabi & Arledge. See complaint.


So now what Debi Kiontke or James Brewer ? ?

How are you going to spin this off as something positive ? ?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

$8,400 For Debi Kiontke or James Brewer

Come on Debi you can do it. You can be the first person who has irrefutable evidence of an actual payout, or irrefutable evidence of a sting that Urban Casavant is involved in (NOT an investigation that he is one of the subjects of).

Don't let James beat you to it ! !

What is the Faulking Truth worth?

What began as an impromptu $1,000 challenge to the Gurus and their followers who have been busy promising a payout and swift justice via a multi-year sting operation emanating from within CMKM Diamonds has grown to a list of six generous contributors who, after years of predictions and promises, want to see the evidence that the talk is more than just talk.

The two latest contributors are cruisecontrol, who is putting up $800 of his own money, and braindamage, who is adding a thousand to the challenge, bringing our total to a tempting $8,400.

Here’s the challenge: “We will pay $8,400 to the first person who has irrefutable evidence of an actual payout, or irrefutable evidence of a sting that Urban Casavant is involved in (NOT an investigation that he is one of the subjects of). Send me irrefutable evidence at and the money is yours.”

Heck, I’ve been trying to get an interview with Urban for months to tell his side of the story, maybe he’ll contact me and lay the real plan out on the table for me. I’d love that, and it would put an end to all the speculation once and for all.
Saturday , April 28, 2007 17:58


Friday, April 27, 2007

Debi Kiontke for $5000...

will you be the first to step up and provide some real fact ? ?

We do enjoy seeing your freind DeWayne calling you out. Maybe you can get James over here to back you up.


Update...CFRN upping the Ante!

Okay, I just received an email from CT (DeWayne Reeves) at

He has added $5,000 to the wager, payable to the first person:

"who has irrefutable evidence of an actual payout, or irrefutable evidence of a sting that Urban Casavant is involved in (NOT an investigation that he is one of the subjects of). And I don't mean the usual "I heard it from a guy in Belgium who talked to his banker (a year ago), who said we're getting paid tonight at 1:32 AM EST" speculation.

Send me irrefutable evidence at the email address listed above, and I'll mail you a check on Monday."

I am adding a couple of disclaimers to the bet: This offer expires at 11:59 PM EST, on Thursday, April 3, 2007, that way we can announce the results on next Friday's Faulking Truth show. Secondly, since CT is putting up a substantial sum of money here, let's make it the FIRST person who has irrefutable evidence, etc.

This is a golden opportunity for all of the gurus who have been saying they have proof that this is a sting and that there's a massive payout waiting for CMKX shareholders to confirm it once and for all, and receive a nice bonus out of it at the same time (while they're waiting for the big money to arrive).

And CT says: "Gurus, take CT's money!"

Mark Faulk

P.S. I keep getting asked about my comment months ago where I used the dreaded "S Word." FOR THE LAST TIME, here it is:

I was talking about an ongoing investigation into the company, including insiders, by the FBI, the DOJ, and the IRS criminal investigation division, NOT a sting masterminded by ANYONE from within the company, or hired by the company. My choice to use the word "sting" was the stupidiest choice of words I've ever made. As of my last conversation with the FBI a few weeks ago, that investigatin was still ongoing.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Debi Kiontke. Urban Casavant...

is being taken to court by CMKM Diamonds Inc.

Well Debi Kiontke will you please explain why this is happening to your hero Urban Casavant. Should be easy for you to do based on all the fact based info you may have to support him and show why this case will get thrown out of court. You can do that can't you Debi Kiontke ? ?

We doubt it.

Anyways here is the goods for all to read.

Case 07-A-540161-B Status ACTIVE
Plaintiff CMKM Diamonds Inc Attorney Koch, David R.
Defendant Casavant Urban Attorney ## Unknown ##
Judge Denton, Mark R. Dept. 13

Only 1 entry for this case.

Filed Date Description Performed
04/25/2007 COMPLAINT FILED Fee $148.00
For CMKM Diamonds Inc


Follow link and enter 07 A 540161

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Debi Kiontke or James Brewer

So many idiots that swore CMKX and Urban Casavant could do no wrong are changing their minds as all the new documentation surfaces.

So when are you two going to finally pull of your blinders and come clean about just how mistaken you both were ? ?

We don't want to hear any excuses that you both did what you thought was right with the information you each had in hand as there was always real factual based information available for you to read, which sometimes you did just to dispute it.

Time for you both to come clean we would think.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Debi Kiontke

Debi Kiontke we wait for you to reply to the posts.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Debi Kiontke Legal Troubles...

may be coming soon for some big CMKX players.

Debi Kiontke we wait for your response. Debi Kiontke or Debi Kiontke.


Debi Kiontke The Scam...

is starting to be exposed over here...


Lies Being Exposed Debi Kiontke...

Debi Kiontke we wait and wait. Debi Kiontke we will continue to wait. As we wait, Debi Kiontke, we will read more about the lies being exposed over at Faulks blog.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Debi Kiontke Or Debi Kiontke

Debi Kiontke we will wait for you to post your responses. Debi Kiontke why have you set you sights so high on CMKX when all this evidence exists ?

Debi Kiontke we will wait for you to post your responses. Debi Kiontke why will you not now retract your blind steadfast position on CMKX ?

Debi Kiontke or Debi Kiontke it is time you finally responded with some real evidence.

Debi Kiontke Does This One Do It For You Girl ? ?

To all CMKM shareholders:-
4-18-07 Update #2

It has come to my attention that the Abadgoodgirls, Jay Adobes and Acca Dacca’s of this world are spinning my updates as they have done with every update or press release of the past.
Your NEW management is going to start treating this company like a real company. The things these individuals are saying are false. There is no delivery coming to your house after the PR on Friday. Please do not listen to rumors of fortunes waiting just around the corner nor rumors of large trust accounts that have been set up with money or other assets to be delivered to shareholders. These rumors are simply not true.

The former Chairman stepping down last month has absolutely nothing to do with a plan. There is no secret sting in place, compartmentalized management or any other such secret operation. This is a very critical time, and if we don’t correct the problems from the past, we will further delay our move into the future. These posters and others like them are part of the problems from the past. Apparently, giving frequent and factual information has not stopped these individuals from preying on innocent shareholders.

It breaks my heart every time I hear of one of these posters stirring up the shareholder base with the excitement of a looming payout. Please understand that these posters are only feeding on your emotions and I cannot allow it to continue. I am currently in discussion with our legal counsel about our legal options against people that post blatantly false information pertaining to our Company.

We are in a rebuilding stage and everything will become more evident after this next press release.

Thank you for your continued support,

Kevin West
The New CMKM


Debi Kiontke. How's This One Girl?

4-18-07 Update #1

It has been another busy week. We have an extremely large amount of information to share with you in the next press release. I must once again ask for your patience during the next couple of days as we finalize the actions that precede the press release. The press release is written, but the information to be provided along with it is not finished and it is of utmost importance that everything is done in order. Again, we have no room for error. I am going to go ahead and share some information of the progress that we are making with you today.

The Frizzell Law Firm is assisting the Company in the hiring of accounting professionals which we need without further delay. We have begun discussions with a Tyler CPA firm. We are seeking help from a CPA with the proper forensic experience and certifications. We are convinced there is a large volume of records that have been lost, misplaced or destroyed. We will obtain all financial records of this company and we will have these records audited.

Bill is conducting a full scale investigation into the sale of bulk certs which seems to be an ongoing problem. We are concerned about certs that were obtained with forged signatures from people that were at one time close to company insiders. It is the company's intention to cancel any illegal, forged or unauthorized shares regardless of how they were obtained. This is part of the shareholder and outstanding share audit we have been undergoing and transparency is a requirement in everything we are doing.

The Frizzell Law Firm has also assisted CMKM by hiring attorney Rich Lottmann to assist in the restructuring of the Company. Rich is advising me on changing the domicile of the company as well as other matters to include the best way to proceed in attracting new management to help us turn our company around. Work is already in progress to move the corporate home of CMKM to Texas.

We are working very hard to get a lot of situations handled at one time. Please have the respect and courtesy not to call any of the attorneys or firms mentioned in any updates or press releases. I understand your anxiousness and need for verification, but these professionals have a huge workload and time is of the essence for CMKM. I will provide you with updates on progress as it becomes available.

Thank you so very much for your support and understanding,



"CMKX: Exposing the Lies" Debi Kiontke What Do You Think?

Today's update(s) from Kevin West regarding CMKM Diamonds were both good, but the second one was a brilliant piece of work. It should put to rest once and for all the heartless rumors that have been spread about CMKX for the past couple of years. As I've conducted research for "The Naked Truth," I've been amazed that the same rumors have been repeated for almost two years, often by the exact same idiots...and that people who are desperate for something to cling on to have chosen to believe them. These so-called "gurus" should have lost credibility a long time ago, but instead have preyed on the hopes of people who have been deceived and taken advantage of for far too long. There's really nothing I can add that Kevin West didn't say better in his press release, so I'll just wish everyone a brighter future, and leave you with this little bit of wisdom:

The first step in uncovering the truth is exposing the lies.

Enjoy the show...unless you happen to be part of the main event.

Here is the link to CMKM Diamonds' CEO Kevin West's updates:


Debi Kiontke Check It Out Girl.

CMKM Diamonds CEO Addresses All Shareholders of Current Status
LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--“Dear fellow shareholders, I have information to share with you today that came to my attention just days ago. I received a delivery of several boxes of corporate records in the last couple weeks that have confirmed my very worst fears. In response to this new information, various legal actions will be a priority as we move to protect the best interests of shareholders. We were not able to finalize these necessary actions today as we had expected. We will put out another press release by mid next week to update you on this progress.

"When I first accepted the position of Interim CEO, I made a promise to myself and my family and friends that if I found there was not a real plan in place for the benefit of all shareholders, then I would come forward with the information I found. Not only am I going to share this information with you, the shareholders, but will do everything in my power to make sure that these individuals and entities will never be able to harm others in this same way again."

The CEO continues, “When I started to work for CMKM in September of last year, I had high hopes and aspirations of making positive changes and forward progress in the evolution of this Company. Like so many of you, I believed that there was a plan in place that could not be revealed for one reason or another. However, after many months of failed promises, it was clear there was not a plan and no forward progress for our Company would ever happen until massive changes were implemented.

“In early January of this year, I contacted Bill Frizzell for his help. Within less than a week, Bill flew out to Las Vegas on his own time and expense with one goal in mind, to help me help the shareholders. Since that time, many changes have taken place up to and including the resignation of the former Chairman. Several days ago, the Company requested and has received several boxes of Company documents from an attorney that has held said records in safekeeping. These documents are very revealing and tell the story of what has taken place over the last several years. Had Bill Frizzell not acted quickly in response to my call, Our Company would have been forced into bankruptcy, essentially burying the evidence forever. As legal action proceeds, many of these documents will be made available for everyone to see on our Company website at”

Current Status of Company

As of March 29th 2007, the Company had 3 pending lawsuits, a Wells Notice from the SEC that was supposed to have been answered by March 9, 2007 (of which current management was totally unaware, until an official at the SEC contacted them on 4-10-07), and ongoing investigations by at least four government agencies. In addition there is documentation showing the forfeiture of all claims and mineral rights, no corporate records for the past 4 ½ years of business and taxes that have never been filed. The only tangible asset is a 45 million share certificate of Entourage Mining stock.

Current Actions

Since the Company has no available operating capital, Bill Frizzell has agreed to shoulder the current legal expenses. In order to handle the monstrous legal task at hand, Bill Frizzell has also agreed to interview, hire and direct a legal team that is now made up of several law firms from across the country. Because of the possibility of recoverable assets being brought back into the company, Bill is also hiring forensic specialists and professionals to file back tax returns, investigate past trading discrepancies, move the domicile of the company out of Nevada and audit the books, for the purpose of building a strong foundation to finally move our Company forward.

As mentioned previously, the Company is in receipt of a Wells Notice from the Security and Exchange Commission. The Company is currently in direct communication with the SEC and is cooperating fully with their investigation. Copies of documents recently provided to the Company as well as confidentiality waivers of former Company attorneys that are waiting to talk to the SEC are being provided as requested.

The Company has recently halted the transfer of a large bulk certificate to a major brokerage firm from a third party. A specialist will be hired to completely research and investigate both sides of this transaction along with the many recent transactions of possible insider sales of large bulk certificates.


Rumors of trust accounts with money and other assets that have been established for the benefit of shareholders or rumors of dividends to be paid to shareholders are absolutely not true. Those that are demanding the Company to pay out monies held for shareholders are feeding off of this false information. Rumors that our Company was set up as a sting on the markets are false. Any rumor that has not been identified by this press release should be considered to be untrue. The Company will only provide information to shareholders through an official press release on Business Wire or on the Company website at

Outlook for the Future

West continues, “I am 100% confident that no matter how things may look today, as a united front, we can rebuild this Company. We have to once again unite as shareholders to begin to make positive strides forward. As you can well imagine, there will be an even greater influence to try and divide us at this time, we have to become so united that nothing can stop us.

“Once we have cleaned up our current legal matters, add value back into the Company and have prepared financials to be audited, it will be my intent to assemble a Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee made up of shareholders to locate, interview and recommend the most highly qualified Board of Directors to lead this Company back to trading and into the future.

“I want to remind everyone that there are two ways to look at the above information. We can look at everything in despair and believe that there is no hope for the future of our Company, or we can quickly put the past behind us and know that we can now move forward and build a brand new Company, one that already has 40,000 - 60,000 shareholders, into something wonderful. This shareholder base is, and has always been, our strongest and most valuable asset. That said, I suggest that WE, as shareholders, choose to look forward with hope, strength and determination to build this shareholder base into a solid company."

Safe Harbor Statement:

This news release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27a of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21e of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Although the Company believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can provide no assurance that actual results will meet or exceed such expectations.


Friday, February 16, 2007

Debi Kiontke. Shines Again.

Debi Kiontke. Do you really believe half the things you write?

What we don't understand is why you are not trying to help and understand the poster in that page. Instead you act harshly towards them.

You go around with the nic wwjdthrume so we want to know just what Jesus is doing through you Debi Kiontke. Is Jesus telling you to behave in such a harsh manner? We don't think so. We think you’re letting the flesh control you.

Debi Kiontke we are curious and would like to know what is driving you to behave this way?

We are here to help.


Saturday, February 3, 2007

What Is Debi Kiontke Up To?

Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume seems to be claiming she knows of some evidence of wrongdoing towards CMKX shareholders and then goes on to claim it is the truth.

However something is missing. Debi Kiointke forgot to post what this evidence is. Nothing there.

Here is your chance Debi. Post the evidence here for all the concerned shareholders to see.

Unless of course you don't really have any clue what you are talking about.


Friday, January 26, 2007

Andrew Hill Pumped CMKX ?

You decide.

Friscotrader provides these samples.

Andy Hill now posts over at the Million Millionaires board under the nic Oaks. Feel free to go chat with him there. Link:

By: friscotrader
01 Apr 2006, 10:31 AM EST
Msg. 182261 of 182274

"A Trip down memory lane with Andy"

per our telephone call yesterday, I am currently doing a "backread" on all his posts.........

Let's begin with the pumps

Sept 29th

GOOD MORNING CMKX'rs....JUST A WORD OF THANKS TO EVERY SHAREHOLDER WHO PHONES, emails, or messages, daily to show their continued support, toward myself, UC, Maheu, Stocklein, and TEAM. News can come at any time from any relative source, including CMKX

Set 30th

Andy "Hello CMKX'rs...In addition to the many message boards and chats out there, I welcome the 49'rs board. STay positive and have a great Friday. A brand new trading month begins on Monday"

Andy sent this posted by tramp


Wesley Casavant is listed as a employee of CVN on Edgar but I don't if it is an officer.
I find this very interesting.
Urban's neice is working for SGGM as well.

“Here is a link to the most recent race comments by Urban.
bots wont let me post it
Bo snerdley is the one who talked with him.
Looks like it was in April of this year.

Oct 3rd Hello CMKX'r...Welcome to October. IGNORE the NEGATIVE sentiment no matter what! TRUST the TEAM. The TEAM will SPEAK asap between now and Oct. 20. Keep "eachother POSITIVE!"

Oct 4th

"Hello CMKX'rs. I spoke with UC yesterday very briefly before he caught another flight (he did not say where). UC gives a big THUMBS UP and THANKS to all shareholders staying positive and ignoring the bashing FOOLS."

Oct 5th

"Hello CMKX'rs. Have any of you considered why Mr. Maheu is being paid the disclosed amount per month and what Mr. Maheu needed it for re the TEAM and ADVISORY? Enjoy your day!"

Andy Confirms NSS in Conversation

Oct 6th

Andy Conversation – A little bit about his background.

Andy Convesration with jbl712 by swordfish168

(Andy briefly touches on the SEC brief and keeping the Radar on.)

Link where swordfish168 found the post

bots wont let me post it

Oct 6th

“Hello CMKX’rs. Be aware…The bashing and negativity will become prolific in the next while. Do not get drawn into it. CMKX management gets to speak next so please have your radar on between now and Oct.20th.”

Also, There are two additional post within this thread concerning conversations w/ Andy.

Short conversation with Andy about message boards and negativity and legal team keeping cmkx quiet.

Oct 7th

“Hello CMKX’rs. Dust off your radar and keep it on between now and Oct 20th Do not fall prey to negativity and bashing. Mr.C and Mr.M will speak to all shareholders asap and thank you for your strength and support. Enjoy your day.”

Questions from shareholders & Answers from Andy to consolidated questions via Yahoo! IM
(2nd page of same thread from above)

Oct 10th

“Hello CMKX’rs…Happy Thanksgiving Monday from Canada. Due to popular demand, I am manning the phones and other communication services today. Keep that radar on between now and the 20th. Have a good day.”

“Hello CMKX’rs... It has been stated previously, to be wary of people who post as good people who may in fact be bad people later. Ignore the negative and TRUST the TEAM. Keep the radar on from now to Oct.20th.”

Oct 11th

Conversation w/ Andy.
Answers question concerning 600Billion shares among other things.

Follow-up with Andy concerning 600Billion share Question from earlier in the day.

“Good Evening CMKX’rs. Once and for all…I do not post on any of the boards(other than Okanagan
on RB very occasionally) I don’t have Paltalk downloaded. Out of a 50 hr week..only a couple are reading
shareholder boards. But, I hear everything. “

Oct. 13th

"Good morning CMKX'rs...Great investment opportunities come around when excellent companies are surrounded by unusual circumstances that cause the stock to be misappraised...Warren Buffet"

“Hello CMKX’rs…How many of you have Entourage Mining (ETGMF) on your radar as one of our associated JV partners? Remember, people do things, But they do them through companies to protect the people. DD the people and connect the dots. TRUST THE TEAM.”

“Hello CMKX’rs…Everyday presents the opportunity for greatness, so make today great for you.(Original quote
by your IR guy and his personal motto) Continue to watch your radar as you continue to connect people to people.Good nite.”

Oct 15th

“Hello CMKX’rs… Thanks for all the AWESOME Birthday greetings!!! Yesterday’s volume and PPS close was great to see. Continue watching that RADAR for blips, bleeps and blops…as you stay on the hill and watch the EVENT

markethingychinvestor: Hello Birthday boy!

markethingychinvestor: Anglo American / Lundin / Debeers?

Andrew Hill: That will keep you all thinking over the weekend..

Andrew Hill: C ya my friend..i got to scoot.

markethingychinvestor: lol

markethingychinvestor: take care

“Hello CMKX’rs…Weekend thought to consider. When thinking about Event Horizons, also ponder what happens
when critical mass is achieved during an EVENT. Enjoy your day…I am out for the balance of the day. Ciao.”

Oct 16th (late night)

"Hello CMKX'rs. DREAMS... it stands for "Develop Resources with Energy and Ambition for Monetary Security". It is a whole new week of possibilities on the radar from UC and TEAM, including our JV partners. Have a great Monday."

Oct 17th

“Hello CMKX’rs…Interesting that I have had 2 new stock profiling services contact me today, interested in CMKX. Appears the radar blips are getting the attention of many in the market place. Enjoy your day.”

Oct 18th

“Hello CMKX’rs…Do you really think Mr. Casavant spent the last 20 yrs. of his life, forging relationships and building a vision and dream to share with tens of thousand of shareholders…for it all to go to nothing?? Watch the radar…Trust UC’s team.”

“Hello CMKX’rs…As I pointed out previously news can come out at anytime from any of our JV partners or CMKX directly. Please read the United Carina PR released this afternoon regarding the CAROLYN CLAIMS. Trust the TEAM.”

Oct 19th

“Hello CMKX’rs..When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long upon the closed door, we don’t see the ones which open before us. (Alexander G. Bell)…Trust the Team!”

“Hello CMKX’r,,, Carolyn ran away from home last, but Urban always knew where she was. Yesterday she came home to stay and she is just about the prettiest thing you have ever laid eyes on and Urban is the happiest he has been in a long time. Enjoy the day.”

Oct 20th

“Hello CMKX’rs…Please read today’s PR from Entourage Mining (ETGMF) very carefully as there is alot to absorb
relative to CMKM Diamonds. Thank you and enjoy your day. I will be unable to respond to IM’s for the next while.”

"Hello CMKX'rs...Today's PR from ETGMF was very key to other information which will be disclosed relevant to CMKX in due course. The appeal brief will be submitted today as required. TRUST the TEAM...!! NO IM's please..too busy!"

“Hello CMKX’rs…Think of today’s PR as a brilliant Casavant Maneuver with more Maneuvers to come over the
days and weeks ahead. Look at the BIGGER PICTURE and understand it is ultimately ALL FOR THE SHAREHOLDERS.”

markethingychinvestor: Tell Urban I said he finally got his promotion to warden

markethingychinvestor: he has al the keys

Andrew Hill: lol many do not realize the VERY strategic maneuvering in play right now by UC and his TEAM and our JV's. UC even referred to it today as the first CASAVANT MANEUVER and more maneuvers to come.

Andrew Hill:

Andrew Hill: it is all good.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

CMKX Proboards 81 Morons

The CMKX million millionaires board is, without a doubt, the board with the most moronic gang of CMKX shareholders.

The leaders of the gang go by the nics Ralph and KFL. It is funny to watch these two morons back each other up like 2nd grader playground bullies. KFL couldn't wipe the drool off his chin if Ralph wasn't there helping him.

The owner (main moronic geek) of the board goes by the nic CMKXTREME and no doubt gets a real stiffy knowing he has control over what is posted. Bet he has no control over anything in his real life. His Mom may still be folding his underwear and tucking him into bed.

Another poster going by the nic Granny2Shoes must be the board mother that goes around changing all the moronic posters diapers. Bet Ralph needs his changed at least 5 times a day as his mouth can only spew so much poo.

So if you want a real good laugh head on over to:

Friday, January 12, 2007

Debi Kiontke Is Delusional

Debi Kiontke is now claiming that the United States Fed and it's group of bankers are going to orchestrate a terrorist attack.

Debi Kiontke you wrote " Now my comments. Apparently I don't think much of the Fed and it's group of bankers who have managed to control most of the world's wealth and power. I believe that they will orchestrate the terrorist attacks themselves, and then usher in a one world type currency that is mentioned in the Bible. This group seems demonic in it's reach, grasp and vision."

Debi you now seem to have gone completely mad.

Debi Kiontke if you hate so much what goes on in the United States you should consider leaving.

Go off to some third world country and live and work with the people there without using any money that you have sourced from the United States.

Debi Kiontke you seem to enjoy biting the hand that feeds you. Your just like a little spoiled child.

Link to Debi Kiontkes delusion:

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Debi Kiontke Look. A New Lawsuit against CMKM Diamonds

Debi Kiontke please share your thoughts on this and provide a fact based defense to help Urban out.


Thanks to link:

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

CMKX Shareholder Pics? You Decide.







Thursday, January 4, 2007

James Brewer aka Noahltl And Rumor Posts

Good gosh Charlie Brown. Debi Kiontke holding that football for you.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Debi Kiontke The Lonely Poster

Debi Kiontke aka WWJDthrume no one is being nasty at board 32. Just because they post fact there gives you no right to call them names. Are you not a Christian?

Why on earth are you still posting at the old CT board? Do you look there for some old fantasy CMKX drivel?
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